Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Overcome Dandruff

Besides because of stress, weary, lazy to take a shampoo, using hair product too much, often blow, dried or colored, hot, heat and oily food, heat,and humid weather also can support the appearance of dandruff.

To overcome the dandruff problem, you can do the followings tips.

  • Overcome by using shampoo of anti-dandruff regularly. Make sure that the shampoo as according to hair type. Otherwise, it don’t lost, dandruff is more and more rampantly. Wash hair with cold water which fall off dandruff effectively.

Overcome Cellulite

Cellulite often become problem each woman, not only woman whose overweight body, but also they whose slim body. Many people assumed that cellulite is difficult to be overcome.

It is true. But,exercise, especially which is focused at part of bottom and thigh can support to lessen, moreover overcome cellulite of your bottom and thigh, including some movement in yoga. For maximal result,do it 3 times during 30 minutes each session.

  1. Butterfly

  • Sit on the floor with straightening back.
  • Fold feet one by one, and close sole of feet in front of you. Hold feet with both of hand and pull it until near at body.
  • Move up and down your knee likes butterfly flap the wings.
  • Do 30 times.

Healthy Hair with Home Treatment

Owning healthy and beautiful hair is not always go to modern treatment in salon. Natural ingredients at home even also have benefit for health and beauty of hair.

  1. Mayonaise. Wish Your hair more smooth and shine? One of the complement of salad can become natural conditioner for You. Arrange in layers hair with mayonaise use comb to be more flatten. Then,let it during 30 minutes before hair is cleaned with shampoo. For very dry hair, use shower cap (hair cover) after grease mayonaise, then, let it quite long time. Mayonaise can also become rescuer if there is bubble-gum patch on hair. Its easy to do, grease mayonaise at hair while pull bubble-gum slowly.

Take Care of Hair for Jilbab Women

You often close over hair with jilbab, hat, etc? In the reality, the air which is less in jilbab can destroy Your hair. To keep in good health hair, avoid using veil layer excessively and bundle because it make hair difficult to breathe. Besides, it can make damp scalp.

If You will use jilbab, let hair come to pieces or don't be bound too bundle. So that hair unnecessary to bun, better hair length don't exceed 60 cm. Choose jilbab that have big pore or absorb sweat easily, like hose or cotton. It is very good for circulating air in head.

It is allowed if You want to decorate models in layers, but don't more than four pieces. Thicker jilbab, more difficult hair to breathe. Avoid dark colour jilbab because easy to absorb sunshine. If Your activity under sunshine, choose white or soft colour. Don't often fasten jilbab in part of neck. Better let it until part of its edge dangle so that hair breathe easily.

Translated from www.kompas.com
Picture taken from www.google.com

Chubby Cheeks

Nowadays, having circular face and fat cheek, no matter again. There are special trick to disguise the cheek so that it looks higher cheekbone and face seen more tapering and proportional. Do the following steps.

  1. Use moisturizer before grease foundation so that itpenetrate easily. Use foundation 1 level darker than skin colour. Make dark shadow under cheekbone, jaw and side of nose.
  2. Grease bright shadow (highlight)at top of cheekbone and nose bone.
  3. Continuing with powder scatter and complete with solid powder.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Masker for Dry Skin

Have a problem with your Skin? You can do the following tips for Your dry skin.

  1. Some spoons of plain yogurt
  2. Almond Powder
  3. 2 teaspoons of honey
  4. 2 teaspoons of grist oil.
Mixing the ingredients until get smooth texture, then wear this masker on face during more or less 20 minutes.

The ingredients contain many important benefit, for example lifting dead skin cell, contains vitamin of E, and opposes free radical. Besides, honey have benefit to soften skin, especially for dry skin. (Also read Take Care of Your Skin)

Translated from www.kompas.com
Picture taken from www.google.com

Love Your Feet

Though its located on the floor, feet have the important and heavy duties, namely support body. Therefore, love your feet. If you have dry feet skin, break, and even swell, you can change it become refinement and smoothly by correct treatment.

Do the following before stepping your feet.
  1. Use comfort footgear. Anything your choice, boot, open toe, stiletto and so on, it is important to choose footgear which match with your feet size. This means, if your feet size is 38, don't force to wear 37,5 size although you like the model and only that size which exist in the shop. Change footgear soon if strarting to make worn-out feet.

Sleep Well

Do You know about sleep stages? Did You satisfy the stages?

Diet Yin Yang

Wrong eat pattern frequently often causes various problem of health, including fatness. How the concept of yin which is applied in eat pattern?
According to dr. Rachmat, TCM, food energy are described with hot, warm, cold, and cool. In principle of yin and yang, the warmth and heat food is called yang, while the coolness and cold food is called yin. The food which have yin energy, generally have low calories, white and green colours, and fresh. It is usually eaten raw or after braised or steamed. Food whichis categorized in yin are fruits and vegetables.
 While food that have high calorie energy generally have rose, orange, ang yellow colours, and eaten after cooked in fat and give warmth feel. Food with warmth category are chicken, prawn, and date. Food with heat category are mutton, ginger, pepper, and chilli.
The principle of yin and yang are taste’s balance, colour, and variation. Avoid consuming too much one food category, for example only eatmeal without vegetables continuously. Or, only eat fruits during along days. It is also unwell balanced because the body will not get nutritive necessity.

Easy Way to Get Beautiful Calf

Big calf makes women feel unconfidence of theirself. By the right exercises, the calf muscles will be looked beautiful. It also can avoid a sprained ankle.

Some causes of getting big calf are genetic factor, overuse of high heeled and over-stand. High-heeled implies the calf muscles attracted to the top and overtime it will make a big calf. (Also read About Wedges Article). Often stand in a long time makes the circulation of bloods in the vein worse and the toxin will be accumulated in the lower body. Besides, the wrong ways of exercise can makes the fat attached to muscles and become the accumulation of fat on the foot.

So, how to make the calf looks beautiful??? You can practice the following tips.

Overcome Constipation with Green Juice

Often sit, pattern eat less water and fibre, and also consuming many food of beverage processed and have caffeine are can make You is often attacked by constipation. And finally, You would often get headache, quickly fatigue, skin’s problem, and breath fressless.
To overcome it, You have to improve the digestive system. Light Detoxification by drinking juice is the easiest and natural ways. All fresh juice type have sweeping effect for digestive system and represent drug of laxative. Try to make juice of green vegetables like cabbage, spinach, and water spinach which contain of many vitamin B and minerals.
Take 6 wide spinach leaf, 2 celery bar, added 2-3 tomato as adder taste. Clean and blend the ingredients. Add water if you like. Drink as soon as to get juice benefit. To get more effective result, drink 3 glass one day between mealtime.

Translated from www.kompas.com
Picture taken from www.google.com

Acne Protection

Having acne is annoying, especially for women. Unhappily, we often do things that make it often appears. There are many reason why acne appears, such as:
  1. Hormonal factors. Acne usually appears before get menstruation or when puberty age.
  2. Wrong eat pattern. Example, eat hot foods, peanuts, chocolates, and fat foods.
  3. Infection. Dirty hands that is used to clean Your face can causes skin infection and acne.
  4. Inherited. People whose parents have acne, 70% possible to have acne too.
  5. Dirty. Letting face skin under sun light too long with polution and damp air can cause acne appears.
Do the following things so that acne did not appear again.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ABC Mascara

Don't forget to beautify your eyes if you wish seen eye catching. Using mascara is one part of the which is necessery obliged to be done. Soul Lee, make up artist of Shue Uemura, giving mascara secrets which is important to be known.

  1. What a lucky you are, if owning long and curvy eyelash because you can use mascara product which consist of just one layer. But, most people need product that have two layer. First, is layer which give construction on eyelash, and second, is comb of eyelash which can make an impression on to lengthen and thicken eyelash.

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