Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Factors of Heart Attack

Heart attack is one of the biggest causes of death in the world. Identify the trigger factors to determine how to avoid it.

World Health Organization defines a heart attack as inability of acute or chronic heart occurred because of the lack of blood supply to myocardium due to the process of disease on coronary artery system. Keep in mind that acute is suddenly happened while chronic means happened long ago. Myocardium is the name of all the muscles that make up the heart.

In general, there are two categories of trigger factors of heart attack, non-dieter risk factors and risk factors related to diet and nutrients.

These are the following detailed description of the trigger factors of heart attack.
  • Family History
If your parent died of a heart attack or stroke, than your risk is even higher. Unfortunately, we cannot choose the person who became our parents. Therefore, the important thing is if it is the contributing factor, then you need to pay attention all other risk elements that trigger the heart attack on you.
  • Related Disease.
There are two diseases are very closely associated with heart attack, namely diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension). Two borne illness is strongly linked with the consumption of fat and sugar laden foods. When there are such diseases exist in a person, the more likely that person quickly get a heart disease.
  • Modernity and Physical Activity.
Modern live style changes eating behavior and movement of many people. Many junk foods are made with delicious flavor but not healthy which many people choose even though they knew the risk is death. In addition, modernity is characterized by advanced technology resulting in movement of human activity to be minimal.

Dr. Knight, writer of Family Medical Care said that reducing physical activity is equal to walking to the death. "Because the body is less moved and rely on the available automobile and transportation as well as the delicious but unhealthy junk food will trigger cardiac risk," he explained.

The lack of physical activity has a significant influence on the heart because it makes the heart getting weaker. Eating too much is also trigger someone to do less activity.

But, you have to pay attention to the strenuous exercise. Strenuous exercise will be harmful if it is done by someone who rarely exercise. For them, the risk of heart attack when doing the strenuous exercise will increase three times compared to the people who regularly exercise.
  • Pollution.
Various problems of heart deep vein thrombosis is more often experienced by people living on the edge of the main road. Pollution increases the risk of heart attack three times in an hour.
  • Smoking.
The most influence of smoking on heart is the increase toxicity of nicotine in the body. In recent decades, more and more evidences that smoking the cigarettes is one of the main causes of a person suffering from cardiovascular disease. It causes the disorder of heart and also put the chemical into the blood vessel system called catecolamine. 
  • Increased fat in the blood (Hyperlipidaemia).
High level of cholesterol in the blood are important factors that determine a person's chance of heart attack. The higher level of cholesterol are the greater possibility of the risk of heart attack.
  • Carbohydrate.
Carbohydrate and saturated fats lead to the high reaction so that when the both types of foods are eaten together then triglyceride plasma level rise rapidly. The increase of triglyceride levels will squeeze the blood vessel causes the hypertension that led to the possibility of heart attack. 
  • Obesity.
Too fat body is a common disease in the world brought by his own people. Metaphorically, we said that his teeth are digging their own grave.

"The bigger your waist the shorter your age. This expression has long been heard, and still remains true," said Dr. Knight.
  • Coffee.
The effect of caffeine is stimulate the heart and increase blood flow to the muscles so that increase blood pressure. Coffee addict on average 1.5 times more prone to heart attacks within one hour after drinking coffee. 
  • Alcohol.
Alcohol can also increase the blood pressure so that the burden of heart increased. Alcohol drinkers have three times of risk of heart attack within 12 hours after drinking alcohol.

Sources: health.okezone, Modis Tabloid Mode Islami.
Picture taken from nuansatiti.blogspot.

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