Thursday, May 24, 2012

Benefits of Sex

As human, we are a bit of creature that makes SEX not only for reproductive purpose. Sexual intercourse did in fact have a remarkable effect to maintain the health. As already stated in previous post (Also read Sex Makes Young Article), apparently, sex can makes women's skin become younger. 

That is what many health experts unearthed, one of whom is Dr. Carole Liberman that shows some of benefit of sex for the health, such as:
  1. Sex is equal to exercise. Sexual intercourse for half an hour can burn about 100-200 calories. This course is also a fun way rather than just jogging, exercise on a treadmill, or lifting weights.
  2. Sex makes young. Dr. David Weeks from the Royal Edinburgh Hospital studied 3,500 people to see what make people become young. He found a couple who get along fairly active sex's life look younger.
  3. Sex is good for heart health. Based on various studies, sexual activity is good for lowering the blood pressure. Even for a group of men, sex twice a week can reduce the risk of heart attack is doubled. Overall, sex reduce the risk of stress which is one of the cause of heart disease.
  4. Sex spurs stamina. Various studies indicate sexual intercourse once or twice a week will boost the immune system. It is related to the increased levels of immunoglobulin A, which is helping to ward colds, fever, and various other diseases.
  5. Sex expels headache. When sexual intercourse takes place, oxitocin hormone levels in the body increases. "It increases the sense of intimacy and attachment to the partner. At the same time, also increases endorphin which are very useful to reduce pain," said Dr. Carole.
  6. Sex facilitates the flow of blood which is carrying oxygen molecules throughout the body. "This is what makes the skin, scalp, and other parts of the body so very happy," said Dr. Carole.
  7. Sex helps to get more quality sleep (Also read Sleep Well Article). Oxitocin plays role again. Not only because oxitocin trigger an increase in endorphins that suppress pain but also because it makes you sleep better. "Sex and the feeling of being loved, reduce the stress, which makes all the nervousness away and make your sleep more soundly."

Resource from waspada
Picture taken from kardopa

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