Monday, May 21, 2012

Sex Makes Young

The expensive cosmetics and treatments at salon are not enough to get healthy skin, radiant, and toned. There are other things that are not less important, namely SEX and how we control the emotions

An expert cosmetic, Marguerite Maury, in her book The Secret of Life and Youth, said the women's sexual life is the most important thing for her performance. According to her, men will experience premature aging if too frequent sexual intercourse, reversely, women's skin could quickly wrinkles if rarely have sex.

Beside the intimate matter, Maury also emphasized that the way we deal with problems in life will also be reflected in the face. When we are irritable, often emotional, you can see the result when looking at the mirror. 

The dermatologist of Europe, Dr. Joseph Hoffman, in his book, The Life and Death of The Cell, said, "It is possible to measure the level of love, hate, and anxiety of person by knowing how much damage the cell."

According to the experts said, what we feel can be seen from our skin. For example, when we feel ashamed or embarrassed, our brain sends a signal to the skin, which will be responded with the enlargement of blood vessels so that blood circulation more smoothly and the skin flushed pink. Meanwhile, when we fear, the blood vessel shrink, and the skin becomes pale.

Similarly, when we sad or crying, the brain sends a signal "not happy" so that the appearance of skin will be seen patches and not smooth. Meanwhile, when we are in love or satisfied with their sex lives, our skin looks more radiant and bright.

The theory has also been a scientific explanation. Before we are born, while still an embryo in the womb, the human potential was composed of two parts, the ectoderm and endoderm. Ectoderm will become the skin organ, the largest organ of the body, which will wrap the endoderm, the internal organ. During nine months in the womb, most of the ectoderm was going to be brain, so that the relationship between the brain and and skin are very close, closer than the relationship of brain to the other parts of body.

Resource from kompas
Picture taken form kabarlumajang

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