Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Instant Noodles for your Health

Who is in this world never eat instant noodles? Yes, the food is indeed one of the cheap and addictive food. Once ate noodles, you will want its savory and its delicious again and again. Do not be surprised if there are people who consume it everyday even though they know the dangers of consuming a lot of noodles.

The habit of eating noodles that is usually when the main meal has run out. Eating noodles is considered more practical and faster. It only takes no more than five minutes, noodles ready to eat.

Let's see what the content of instant noodles and how dangers for your health.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Healthy Black Foods

Black is considered inferior to white. But it was not true to food. Dark colored food sources usually contain higher antioxidant that is very effective to reduce the risk of diabetes, heart attack, and cancer.

Cy Lee, P.Hd, professor of food chemistry at Cornell University said, "Black fruit has more antioxidant because the darker the color, the higher the pigments derived from anthocyanin.

So, what are the healthy black foods?

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fast Way to Lose Belly Fat

Men and women have one thing as the same problem often encountered, i.e. belly fat, especially for women who had given birth. It cannot be denied to a woman, having a slim, ideal, and tight belly is a dream which support sexiness and beauty. Of course, belly fat can cause your clothes to be not normal and your confidence will go down.

Fast way to lose the belly fat arguably easy-hard. It is easy if it will be done with a serious intention. But it will be hard if you are not wholeheartedly, especially, if the woman loves to eat high calorie snack after hours of meals and at night before go to bed.

No matter what your condition, there are three simple and fast way to lose your belly fat so that you can return to look sexy and confident.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Benefits of Bathing

Take a bath, yes. Fresh and healthy! According to the recent research, bathing is not only good to clean the body from the dirt, but also to make stress away. Bathing also have an important role improving the immune system, helping to avoid skin disease such as eczema as well as healing serious medical problems.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that diabetics who spend only 30 minutes for soaking in a tub of warm water, can lower blood sugar level about 13 percent.

Another study in Japan showed that soaking in a warm water for 10 minutes can improve the health of heart both men and women. It helps them to lead a better exercise test and reduce the pain.

So, what are the benefits of bathing? And how long you should shower? Here are some suggestion for fun and healthy bathing.

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