Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fast Way to Lose Belly Fat

Men and women have one thing as the same problem often encountered, i.e. belly fat, especially for women who had given birth. It cannot be denied to a woman, having a slim, ideal, and tight belly is a dream which support sexiness and beauty. Of course, belly fat can cause your clothes to be not normal and your confidence will go down.

Fast way to lose the belly fat arguably easy-hard. It is easy if it will be done with a serious intention. But it will be hard if you are not wholeheartedly, especially, if the woman loves to eat high calorie snack after hours of meals and at night before go to bed.

No matter what your condition, there are three simple and fast way to lose your belly fat so that you can return to look sexy and confident.

Eating properly
It is about how to make a simple change of your eating habits. Fill your stomach with high fiber foods, complex carbohydrates, and try to avoid useless carbohydrate in your diet, such as cakes, biscuits, crackers, chip, white breads, and sweets.
Eat grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans as your main source of carbohydrate, because these foods can help you feeling full for hours after you eat it.
There are several things you can do to manage your diet.

  • Eating breakfast is about 200 calories. You may eat a piece of toast with a little jam, a fried egg, and an half glass of milk.
  • Eating healthy snacks and fresh fruits. Fibers contained in fresh fruits will make you feel full longer.
  • Eating lunch is about 400 calories. For approximately, a half of the average portion of most people during lunch. If after 2 or 3 hours of the lunch, you're feeling hungry again, then you can take a fresh fruit as your snack.
  • Eating dinner is about 400 calories. This is the most difficult food to maintain 400 calories, especially if you eat outside. Immediately, remember that you are trying to lose your belly fat.

You have to keep eat 3 times a day with a small portions. You still need to eat to keep your metabolism does not slow down because drastically reduce the food intake. (also read Diet Yin Yang article)

Reducing salt
Salt can make your stomach retain water, breathless, and make your stomach look bigger than normal. Most of us eat more than twice 3400 mg of sodium a day, while the recommended is 1500 mg/day. When shopping, make sure to check the label whether those contain salt on particular product. Do not add extra salt to your food when eating outside. This step is not only can help losing your belly fat but also can keep your heart healthy (also read Wanna Have a Healthy Heart article). Remember, excess salt can cause heart disease (also read The Factors of Heart Attack article).

Doing exercise
This is may be the difficult to avoid when you want to lose your belly fat (also read Sport for Busy Women article). Exercise is one way besides healthy eating and reducing salt. Do regularly everyday. Heavy lifting and jogging can burn fat in your body.

Source: teknikdiet
Picture taken from hujangede.blogspot

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