Thursday, August 26, 2010

Easy Way to Get Beautiful Calf

Big calf makes women feel unconfidence of theirself. By the right exercises, the calf muscles will be looked beautiful. It also can avoid a sprained ankle.

Some causes of getting big calf are genetic factor, overuse of high heeled and over-stand. High-heeled implies the calf muscles attracted to the top and overtime it will make a big calf. (Also read About Wedges Article). Often stand in a long time makes the circulation of bloods in the vein worse and the toxin will be accumulated in the lower body. Besides, the wrong ways of exercise can makes the fat attached to muscles and become the accumulation of fat on the foot.

So, how to make the calf looks beautiful??? You can practice the following tips.
  • By using a sloping road. “ All slope movement make You to use your tiptoe, it will grow muscles at calf,”said of Jack Daniels Ph.D, coach and psychologist from SUNY Cortland College New York.
  • By running in place only by using tiptoe. Then, lifted knee as high as, in each taken step. Try the tip of the heel do not touch the floor. Do it for 30 seconds and take a rest for 5-10 minutes.Close practice with stretching.
  • Intersperse the wear of high-heeled and regular shoes for a few hours each day. If you are a worker, it is better to wear regular shoes or sandals when sitting behind the desk, so that your calf muscles have a chance to take a rest.
  • Wear a supportive stocking. If you often stand, wear a tight stocking like supportive stocking.
  • Raise your leg. When you are tired after exercising or walking, raise your leg on pillows or wall.
  • Aerobic. You can try aerobic to strengthen the leg muscles. Do massage and raise the leg after that.
  • Go to a doctor. Go to a doctor to do a treatment such as massage or acupuncture to relax the calf muscles.

Translated from kompas, seruu
Picture taken from

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