Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Healthy Hair with Home Treatment

Owning healthy and beautiful hair is not always go to modern treatment in salon. Natural ingredients at home even also have benefit for health and beauty of hair.

  1. Mayonaise. Wish Your hair more smooth and shine? One of the complement of salad can become natural conditioner for You. Arrange in layers hair with mayonaise use comb to be more flatten. Then,let it during 30 minutes before hair is cleaned with shampoo. For very dry hair, use shower cap (hair cover) after grease mayonaise, then, let it quite long time. Mayonaise can also become rescuer if there is bubble-gum patch on hair. Its easy to do, grease mayonaise at hair while pull bubble-gum slowly.
  1. Vinegar. Vinegar often used as natural tonic to disappear dirt on hair. Grease vinegar about one teaspoon on hair before have a shampoo. If hair have dandruff, You can try apple vinegar to be greased on scalp while massage it before washing hair.
  1. Avokad. You can try to do hair masker by Youself with avokad, egg yolk, and a little olive. Mix the ingredients then use to massage scalp. After that,le it at least 30 minutes. Then wash hair with shampoo and use conditioner as usual.
  1. Egg. Let Your hair taste delicious of egg. Its easy, mix some eggs in bowl, then massage slowly on Your hair so that the eggs absorb while to be circulating blood. This treatment can support to strengthen hair follicle and make healthier sparkle hair.
Translated from www.kompas.com
Picture taken from www.google.com

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