Thursday, August 26, 2010

Diet Yin Yang

Wrong eat pattern frequently often causes various problem of health, including fatness. How the concept of yin which is applied in eat pattern?
According to dr. Rachmat, TCM, food energy are described with hot, warm, cold, and cool. In principle of yin and yang, the warmth and heat food is called yang, while the coolness and cold food is called yin. The food which have yin energy, generally have low calories, white and green colours, and fresh. It is usually eaten raw or after braised or steamed. Food whichis categorized in yin are fruits and vegetables.
 While food that have high calorie energy generally have rose, orange, ang yellow colours, and eaten after cooked in fat and give warmth feel. Food with warmth category are chicken, prawn, and date. Food with heat category are mutton, ginger, pepper, and chilli.
The principle of yin and yang are taste’s balance, colour, and variation. Avoid consuming too much one food category, for example only eatmeal without vegetables continuously. Or, only eat fruits during along days. It is also unwell balanced because the body will not get nutritive necessity.

“ Five tastes in Chinese conceptis based on five element activities. Sweet symbolize land, bitterness symbolize fire, sour symbolize wood, hot symbolize iron and salty symbolize water,” says doctor of Traditional in Chinese Medicine.
Each element of five tastes with body organ are related each others. Sweet related to stomach, bitterness related to small intestine and heart, sour related togall-blader and liver, hot related to large intestine and lung, andsalty related to kidney and bladder.

“ This organs required to get food portion according to the necessity so that it can work maximally. The disease and fatness can are caused by workless the organs function,” he said.

Besides taste, the ways of cooking food is also required to be considered. Better if You do not eat food which is cooked just one way. Too much eating fried food causes body will be over fat and endanger heart. However, too much consuming steamed and braised food is also will make You fatless.

“ Core of yin and yang diet is simple, eat anything is allowed but it is important to be well-balanced,” say dr. Rachmat.

Eat Manner Yin and Yang Style

It is following eat manner based on yin and yang concept.
  1. Meal and vegetables. If You want to eat meal, balance with a bowl of braised vegetables spiced by mace, or green vegetable salad with low fat dressing. If meal portion so enough, alternate each bite with vegetables then rice before battening meal again.
  2. Fill Your stomach until 70-80 % of full, because human body cannot digest too much and complex food.
  3. Chew food until refine. Especially for the carbohydrate food which require alkalin ptyalin enzym and saliva gland on mouth.
  4. Avoid too cold or hot food and beverage. Food which is too hot will make irritation on mouth and throat organs so that it will destroy expenditure and circulation of its glands. Food which his too cold, can hamper digestive process and there is possibility happened precipitation and deterioration on stomach.
  5. Don't consume food or fruit after eating.
  6. Drink green tea. Peculiarity of teais not only stimulating urine but also dissolving fat.
  7. Avoid to drink milk with other food. Because it will only settle up on stomach with other putrefication products. Drink milk separately.
  8. Separate glucose and protein, for example egg with bread. Because protein slow down sugar digestion. However, sugar have to circulate to all body without obstruction.
  9. Consume fat and protein separately. For example, don't mix cheese with flesh. Because fat slow down protein digestion.

Translated from
Picture taken from

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