Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ABC Mascara

Don't forget to beautify your eyes if you wish seen eye catching. Using mascara is one part of the which is necessery obliged to be done. Soul Lee, make up artist of Shue Uemura, giving mascara secrets which is important to be known.

  1. What a lucky you are, if owning long and curvy eyelash because you can use mascara product which consist of just one layer. But, most people need product that have two layer. First, is layer which give construction on eyelash, and second, is comb of eyelash which can make an impression on to lengthen and thicken eyelash.
  2. Use a small brush or comb to arrange in layers entire/all eyelash with mascara formula and use a big comb to create thicker eyelash effects.
  3. To be maximal curvy eyelash, nip the eyelash until seen curvy before apply mascara on Your eyelash.
  4. Change Your mascara with newly every 6 months because each time we pump mascara before used it, the air will follow into tube and there is possibility, it brings bacterium. Besides, if not yet 6 months but your mascara lumped and it’s aroma changed, change it immediately.
  5. Sweep the tip of mascara at tissue before apply on your eyes so that mascara don’t lump on eyelash. Besides, neat mascara with eyelash comb to clean Iumps which patch on eyelash. Avoid nipping eyelash after applied mascara.
  6. Do You want using colorness mascara? It is allowed but avoid thick grooming in face. If you wish to have experiment but affraid of trying colorness mascara, use black mascara and add colorness highlight in part of eye’s tip.
  7. Use mascara which have a basic materials of gel if you have sensitive skin around your eyes. Waterproof mascara is not suggested for sensitive skin. Instead, use mascara which have water-resistant type.
  8. Cleaning mascara before sleep with make up cleanser.

Translated from www.kompas.com
Picture taken from www.google.com

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