Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sleep Well

Do You know about sleep stages? Did You satisfy the stages?
If You have anxious for sleep, but eyes can’t close, it’s very annoying. However, if You have to get up early tomorrow because of activity or meeting which cannot be leaved. Time is running and You do not sleep yet, probably it make You feel panic and exactly make body refused to sleep.

Try the following tips so that You can sleep well.
  • Going to bed only when is sleepy.
  • Don't eating, looking on, reading or doing other activity (except related to sex) in bed.
  • Always wake up timely whenever You go to sleep. Tolerance better do not more than an hour. If You still need additional times and sleepy on day time, sleep during half hours.
  • Don't drink coffee or smoke at least 5-6 hours before sleep.
  • Stop drink alcohol.
  • Exercise regularly. But, it is better to do at least 4 hours before sleep. Weight exercise can make You fresh and sleepless.
  • Do relaxation before sleep to reduce stress and discharge mind trouble.
  • Don't eat heavy meal at night but don't eatless because hungry can make sleepless. Eat weight will depress diaphragm and cause breath annoyed and also will influence on establishment of “stay young” hormone. Eat at least 2 hours before sleep. If still hungry, drink milk. Food to help sleepy such as water spinach, banana, and nutmeg.
  • If You work in shift and have to work at night, You have to " alter" noon become night. Avoid light, noise sound and anything which can make You feel to reside in daytime.

Translated from
Picture taken from

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