Thursday, August 26, 2010

Acne Protection

Having acne is annoying, especially for women. Unhappily, we often do things that make it often appears. There are many reason why acne appears, such as:
  1. Hormonal factors. Acne usually appears before get menstruation or when puberty age.
  2. Wrong eat pattern. Example, eat hot foods, peanuts, chocolates, and fat foods.
  3. Infection. Dirty hands that is used to clean Your face can causes skin infection and acne.
  4. Inherited. People whose parents have acne, 70% possible to have acne too.
  5. Dirty. Letting face skin under sun light too long with polution and damp air can cause acne appears.
Do the following things so that acne did not appear again.
  • Use special cleanser such as lotion or special skin soap for acne.
  • Always keep the cleanliness of face, hand, and groom’s equipments, and also withYour hairs, especially if You have bangs and long hairs because the oil and dirt on hairs can patch on hair’s skin.
  • Avoid eating fast food (chocolate, bean, meat,etc except it is low fat).
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Sleep enough. (Also read Sleep Well article)
  • Consume well-balanced and healthy food.
  • Eat fruit to help releasing poison from within body.
  • Drink water counted 8 glasses per day to clean liver and kidney and also to release poison from body so that the skin become healthy, clean and sunny.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Choose the cosmetics that dissolve in water, avoid the oleaginous cosmetics.

Translated from
Picture taken from

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