Monday, July 23, 2012

Wanna Have a Healthy Heart?

Continuing the last article, now, I want to give you some tips to have a healthy heart (also read The Factor of Heart Attack Article). 

Heart is an amazing machine in the body because the damage of this organ can lead to lives lost. Maintaining a healthy heart is something that cannot be compromised. Caring for heart health is similar as well as preserving your life. Some basic tips can be done starting from consuming a healthy food to doing regular physical activity.

Dr. John Knight in his book, "Family Medical Care", exposed the basic rule in maintaining cardiovascular health. So, wanna have a healthy heart? These are the tips.

Watch your weight
Keep your weight to your height. Overweight or obesity makes you vulnerable to various diseases, one of which is heart disease. In short, the people who have a heavier weight may increase the risk factors of heart disease and heart attack.

Check your blood pressure
Hypertension could potentially lead to various heart problems, such as coronary heart disease, congestive heart, and cardiac rhythm disorder. The research of World Health Organization (WHO) showed that nearly half of cases of heart attack triggered by high blood pressure.

Relieve tension
The higher the blood pressure, the higher the risk of the damage of organs in the body. Current consensus of the hypertension experts said that blood pressure is considered normal if it is in the range below 120/80 mmHg. You are considered to have hypertension if your blood pressure 140/90 mmHg above.

Watch your diet
Make sure that you eat and drink which are good for your heart. Consuming foods rich in nutrients regularly, definitely, can help you maintain the heart health. Some foods that are friendly for heart such as almonds, asparagus, broccoli, dark chocolate, blueberries, salmon, lean meat, and green vegetables.

Exercise regularly
Do exercise at least 30 minutes everyday, three times a week. You can select the type of cardiovascular exercise that can increase respiratory and heartbeat to a stronger heart. Cardiovascular exercise will repair the way of the body in using oxygen. You can choose the simplest cardiovascular exercise and can be implemented on busy days, for instance brisk walking. Yeah, the human body used to walking. And brisk walking is a natural way to improve the fitness especially the heart. Other options are running, swimming, and cycling.

Avoid smoking
"If you want to stay alive and healthy, do not smoke!" Dr. Knight said. Reducing it everyday can help you, but keep it away at all is easier and safer.

Positive thinking
A recent study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) revealed that the positive physiological characteristics such as optimism, life satisfaction, and happiness in a person can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease such as heart attack and stroke.  A positive thought in the brain makes a person have a happy feeling and lead to run healthier behaviors, such as exercising, eating balanced diet, and sleeping enough. In addition, a greater feeling of happiness that comes from a lot of positive thinking will contribute to the better biological functions, such as lowering blood pressure and having a normal weight.

So, love your heart for your life.

Source: health.okezone
Picture taken from gchosp

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