Saturday, March 31, 2012

Take Care of Your Skin

Skin is the out-est and the most beautiful accessories that we have. The healthy skin is women's dream. Soft, smooth, and moist skin is the key of the perfect look

However, taking care of skin is difficult because it is located at the most outside of the body. So it easy to get sunlight and air conditioning. Besides, aging, unhealthy diet can be the factors of dry skins.

Before taking care of the skin, you have to know the fact about it. So, you do not do the wrong treatment and take care of it carelessly.

Know the fact about your skin, such as:

  • Every 30 seconds, someone spends a half million cells caused by skin cells renewal process that occurs naturally.
  • Skin is the main sensor organ consisting 32500 cells and 32 nerve cells.
  • The affect of environment causes the skin's moisture content is reduced. 186000 calories per day is needed for the environment to absorb the moisture of the body.
  • The skin needs at least 8 hours per day to restore the lost moisture.
  • Beneath the skin's surface contains 90% water which allows it nourishes and moisturizes the skin as a whole. While in the outer, there is only 10-20% water.
  • The skin is flexible and follow the movement and the growth of human. Even so, it is a very powerful protector.
  • If the skin's condition is dry and reaches less than 10% water in outer surface, then it is potentially getting an infection.
  • Skin regulates our body's temperature by warming or cooling adjust our needs.
  • To get a healthy skin, it should be moisture.
To take care of your skin, consider and do the following things.
  1. Knowing your skin type is the one of the important things to do a skin's treatment. Because not all skin care products suit to all skin type.
  2. Drink a lots of water. It is not only moisture the skin but also help maintain the healthy body.
  3. Clean your face by using a warm water regularly at least once or twice a day. It is effectively in caring skin because it helps remove the dirt and other harsh elements of skin, especially if we often have outdoor activities.
  4. Apply softly on the skin. Do not rub the skin too hard until flaking. Also, do not often use the skin care products.
  5. Take care the moisture of the skin every-time. Do not let it dry. Dryness causes the outer skin become harsh and not interesting looks. Use the moisture oil because it works when the condition of skin is still moisture. (Read Masker for Dry Skin Post)
  6. Avoid the use of soap for the face. Because the soap allows only for from the neck to down.
  7. Use the sunblock to protect from the sun's UV radiation because UV is the cause of skin's cancer.
  8. Exercise regularly and sleep well is important not only for the skin treatment but also for healthy body. Sleepless can causes shrinkage under the eyes and less of exercises can causes the skin become loose. (Read Sleep Well Post)
  9. Treat the skin carefully by not ignoring the all the skin problems. Consult with your skin doctor to overcome these problems.
  10. Frequent bathing scrubs with a traditional ingredients.
Let's try and good luck.

Resource: berita86, kompas.
Picture taken from tipskecantikanonline.

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