Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Healthy Tips for Career Women

A research found that most of career women blame their work as the impact of their disease or weight gain. Because of busy work and over stressed, their eating disorganized.

A work environment which may cause stress, makes women eating a food that can spoil their appetite. After did the busy work and 
starved, they prefer eating food which is really satisfying.

But, many factors that cause you getting diseases or weight gain. A heart disease, a cancer, a stroke, a lung, and a weight gain can be healed if you give a little attention to your health by adopting a healthy life style and making a practically diet program without disturbing your work.

Let's try the tips below.
  1. Don't smoke. Smoking is the cause of death in America. If you are woman smoker, the risk of getting a heart disease or a cancer is really possible, especially if you use oral contraception. Be careful with the cigarette smoke in a workplace or home will be increased the risk of getting disease.
  2. Repress the cholesterol. The high of cholesterol is the highest cause of getting heart disease and a stroke indirectly. Based on American Heart Association, when the age of 55 years old, the cholesterol on women is higher than on men. So, try to diet. (Read Diet Yin Yang Post)
  3. Notice your weight. Women have a tendency to increase the high blood pressure if they have weight 20 pounds or greater than recommended weight. Furthermore, if you are too fat, especially around the waist, you have the high risk of getting diabetes, heart disease, and stoke. Avoid eating too many carbohydrates, sugars, and fatty foods.
  4. Do not miss breakfast. No matter how busy you are, do not miss your breakfast. If you missed to do it at home, do it at the office. A researcher of National Weight Control Registry said that a breakfast can keep your body slim because you won't hungry and avoid snacking until your lunch. A researcher of Bio-medical Research Center in Pennington said that eating 2 eggs everyday when breakfast will lose weight 65% faster. Don't forget to combine with vegetables and fruits to supply the blood sugar to the brain.
  5. Eat vegetables. Some researches suggested that eating vegetables to decrease the risk of getting cancer is better than wasting time to decide which vegetable will be eat to heal some disease. So, focus on the fresh vegetables, such as green vegetables, pumpkins, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, garlic, and onion. All of them are better for you.
  6. Avoid fatty food. A strict diet of fat is related on the risk of various cancers. Some research at people on a diet, they got the big accident and the death because of the colon and breast cancers. The recommendation to do a diet is lose weight 30% of the calories. Source of fat are cheese, margarine, and cooking oil. If you want to use cooking oil, choose olive oil.
  7. Balanced menu for lunchIt is better if you bring the food from home because it more hygienic, guaranteed nutritional, and the right dose. If you want to buy at the office, choose balance food of carbohydrates, proteins, and a little fat. Don't forget to eat vegetables and fruit at each meal. It is better to eat the fruits first before eat another. Be careful with the bottled milk and soy sauce because they contains excessive sugar and salt.
  8. Avoid snacking. If you want to health, avoid snacking when you feel hungry and want to starve because it has the high of cholesterol and saturated fat and almost there are no nutrition. If you are hungry, it is better you eat the fruits. It is not necessary to cut or peal them, but you can buy a fruit salad or juice with not too much sugar.
  9. Drink water. 8 glasses per day is a normal suggested. But, for you who work in air-conditioned place, you have to drink more because the body get a dehydration quickly. Provide a big glass. Drinking water not only to launch metabolism but also to satisfy you. 
  10. Take a rest. It is important for your body. You can do some ways such as meditation, long breath, or reading to make you relax. The better is walking. It makes you peaceful. (Read Sleep Well Post)
  11. Exercises. Exercises id the key point to get an ideal and healthy body. You do not necessary do the vigorous exercise because you do not have enough time to do that. Some sports can help you to get more healthy and productive life. A recent research found that simple changes in your daily routine life will be beneficial for your health. So, if you don't want to sweat at the gym, try parking your car a little far away from your office and walk. Choose the stair than the lift. The important is choose something that makes you keep move on. (Read Sports for Busy Woman Post)
  12. Test pap smear regularly. It will detect the changes before getting a cervical cancer at early stadium. Treatment of this condition will prevent the spread of cancer.
  13. Check the blood pressure. The higher your blood pressure, the higher the risk of getting heart disease. Consult with your doctor to talk the steps that you need to keep the blood pressure at healthy level.
  14. Check your breasts regularly. Ask your doctor regularly about when you start mammogram. Early detection is prevention.

Resource: infogue, Modis Tabloid Mode Islami
Picture taken from dailymail

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