Monday, March 26, 2012

Removing Blackheads

Blackheads is one of the problems of women's beauty especially for women who have oily skin's face. It makes us not confidence with our self. 

Blackheads appears because the oil will come out is inhibited by the dirt that clog the pores. And it implies the appearance of acne.

Pollution, air humidity, and hot air can affect the skin's conditions and stimulate the oil glands actively.

There are two types of blackheads, such as:
  • The blackheads that look like black dots on the skin's surface. The type is blackheads that are uncovered by skin epithelium so easily removed.
  • The blackheads that look like yellowish-white dots below the skin's surface. The type is blackheads are covered by skin epithelium so hardly removed.
To avoid or remove the appearance of blackheads, we have to do a routine treatment, such as

Every Morning:
  1. Clean your face form the dirt and makeup by using a cleanser contains nut extract according to the type of your skin. It can moisturize, brighten, soften, and maintain skin elasticity.
  2. Wash your face by using facial soap according to the skin's type. Choose the facial soap which contains of an extract of cananga for normal skins, extract of rose for dry skins, or extract of mimusops elengi for oily skins.
  3. Tone your face by using facial toner that contains of nut extract to shrink the pores, add the softness and moisture of skins.
  4. Apply a moisturizer before travelling to protect the skins from sun's UV rays, maintain skin's softness and moisture.
Every Night:
  1. Clean your face with cleanser and wash with soap then tone with toner.
  2. Use a night cream that contains oil machinations to add nutrients, prevent and reduce wrinkles on the skins. Apply thinly and evenly on the skins.
Every Week:
  1. Clean your face with cleanser and wash with facial soap according to your skin's type.
  2. Use a facial smoothing cream according to skin's type. Apply on the rough of skins and blackheads. do it for 2 minutes then wash with the water.
  3. If you have a dry skin, massage the face slowly by using a cream containing olive oil and vitamin A to maintain and care the skin's vitality. Do it for 10-15 minutes. You can do it on other body parts.
  4. Use a cream mask containing extract of lime that useful to reduce the fat, tighten, and smooth the skin.  Apply on the face, except the circumference of the eyes, lips, and nostrils. After dried, wash by using warm or cold water then clean the mask by using the sponge mask.
  5. Apply the freshener to refresh the face.
These are the natural ingredient that can be used to avoid or remove the blackheads. You can do it at your spare time.
  • Orange peel. Juice the orange peel with the water until getting a thick pasta. Then apply it on the blackheads. It is better to be left overnight. Then, wash with the clean water.
  • Lemons. Squeeze the lemons and rub the lemon juice on the blackheads. Let it overnight. Lemon acid will reduce the oil in the area of blackheads and remove it.
  • Egg-white. Beat egg whites then add 1 eat-spoon of honey. After that, rub on the face. Let it dry for 20-30 minutes. Then, wash with a warm water. It is better do it twice a week.
  • Toothpaste. Rub the toothpaste on the blackheads especially, on the nose then let it dry. 
  • Salt. Wash your face once a day by using a warm water that mix with the salt. Salt will reduce excess oil. It means, it can remove the blackheads.
  • Bits. Mix the bits with the water so that getting like pasta. Rub on the face then let it dry for 30 minutes. Do it one a week.
  • Aloe vera. Rub the mucus of aloe vera on the blackheads. Aloe vera will smooth the skins and accelerate skin healing process.
  • Ice cube.  Rub the ice cube on the blackheads. This ways to narrow the pores.
To get maximum results, you have to consider the following things.
  • Reduce the use of cream or oily makeup which can increase the appearance of blackheads.
  • Steam the face with water vapor at least once a week. 
  • Exfoliation is the important steps to remove dead skin cells. It helps cleaning the dead skin cell that clog the pores.
  • Moisten the face by using the warm damp fabric very night for 15 minutes. It is useful to remove the dead skin cells, the dirt, and other particles that clog the pores. After that, boil the fabric on the boiling water to kill germs and bacteria.
  • Go to a doctor to get the best suggestion for your face.
Good luck.

Resource: caradandan, blog.wawancoys, masirfa.
Picture taken from kumpulan-terbaru.blogspot

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