Monday, March 5, 2012

Sports for Busy Women

"Men sana in corpora sano."

In a healthy body, there is a healthy soul. That's the well-known slogan. It means, if you want to get a healthy soul, you must have a healthy body. So, a healthy body makes good impacts for your soul. But, people sometimes forget it. People do many activities and often forget about their body's health. 
A healthy body can gotten by doing exercises regularly. But, how about if you are the busiest worker and you have no enough time to do it???

If you are busy career woman and you have no time to exercise, don't worry you can do it while working. So, you can keep working and do not forget exercising.

There are simple and easy exercises you could do everyday, such as:

  1. If you usually take a short route to your office, it will be better choosing a circuitous route from now. If you take a ride, find a little far parking area from your office. Try to walk for 20-30 minutes or is about 3000-5000 steps.
  2. Try walking while you are talking on the phone. Because of calling waste your time. By walking when calling, you do not realize that you did an exercise. Use the earphone to make you comfort.
  3. Go to the canteen outside the office to buy some foods or drinks. Use the fax and the printer which are far from your desk. By doing that, you can move more.
  4. Save a light barbell on your desk. Do lifting and holding in a spare time. A research found that by doing these activities, it will decrease a risk getting an heart disease and an osteoporosis.
  5. Use your waiting time for walking around. Pull your muscles when you sit or stand. Pull the abdomen to the spine for 5 counts.
  6. Walk together with your dog or cat. Based on the research in Canada, people who walk together with their pets will waste 300 minutes a week. But, the people who walk alone only waste 168 minutes a week.
  7. Shopping week or month can eliminates your fat. Do not forget to take some friends or your child as well.
  8. Bring the pedometer while walking. By doing that, you will be motivated seeing the numbers of your walking. Moreover, American physiologic professor said that seeing the numbers can be the strong incentive to lead the people take a far walk than normal. A research also said that walking at least 9000 steps a day can decrease a risk getting an heart disease, a diabetes, and a cancer.
  9. Always bring your sport shoes. When you have an unexpected spare time, you can do exercise or go to the fitness center.
  10. You are allowed to short your time and add the intensity to increase the quality of the exercises. For instance, you can cut your pedaling time in the fitness center and change into two or three times fast pedaling for a minute.
  11. Once, you can plan an exercise activity with your husband or friends such as jogging, swimming, etc.
Good luck^^

Resource: melindahospital
Picture taken from vivanews

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