Saturday, March 31, 2012

Take Care of Your Skin

Skin is the out-est and the most beautiful accessories that we have. The healthy skin is women's dream. Soft, smooth, and moist skin is the key of the perfect look

However, taking care of skin is difficult because it is located at the most outside of the body. So it easy to get sunlight and air conditioning. Besides, aging, unhealthy diet can be the factors of dry skins.

Before taking care of the skin, you have to know the fact about it. So, you do not do the wrong treatment and take care of it carelessly.

Know the fact about your skin, such as:

Monday, March 26, 2012

Removing Blackheads

Blackheads is one of the problems of women's beauty especially for women who have oily skin's face. It makes us not confidence with our self. 

Blackheads appears because the oil will come out is inhibited by the dirt that clog the pores. And it implies the appearance of acne.

Pollution, air humidity, and hot air can affect the skin's conditions and stimulate the oil glands actively.

There are two types of blackheads, such as:
  • The blackheads that look like black dots on the skin's surface. The type is blackheads that are uncovered by skin epithelium so easily removed.
  • The blackheads that look like yellowish-white dots below the skin's surface. The type is blackheads are covered by skin epithelium so hardly removed.
To avoid or remove the appearance of blackheads, we have to do a routine treatment, such as

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Healthy Tips for Career Women

A research found that most of career women blame their work as the impact of their disease or weight gain. Because of busy work and over stressed, their eating disorganized.

A work environment which may cause stress, makes women eating a food that can spoil their appetite. After did the busy work and 
starved, they prefer eating food which is really satisfying.

But, many factors that cause you getting diseases or weight gain. A heart disease, a cancer, a stroke, a lung, and a weight gain can be healed if you give a little attention to your health by adopting a healthy life style and making a practically diet program without disturbing your work.

Let's try the tips below.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Sports for Busy Women

"Men sana in corpora sano."

In a healthy body, there is a healthy soul. That's the well-known slogan. It means, if you want to get a healthy soul, you must have a healthy body. So, a healthy body makes good impacts for your soul. But, people sometimes forget it. People do many activities and often forget about their body's health. 
A healthy body can gotten by doing exercises regularly. But, how about if you are the busiest worker and you have no enough time to do it???

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