Saturday, April 21, 2012

Smooth Skin without Hair

When growing up, hair also grow on some parts of the body, especially, on the pubic, armpit, foot, and face.For women, it can cause uncomfortable. The high of androgen hormone (masculine hormone) such as testosterone, often causes women has many hair like men. It is called hirsutism.

Then, how to remove the hair on those areas?

We knew some ways to remove the hair such as waxing, sugaring, depilatories, laser, etc. However, shaving is the cheapest ways than others. Unfortunately, the more often shaved the hair, the more dense it's growth. And, in this moment, I share how to remove the hair by using natural ingredients. Let's see...

Spearmint Tea
Spearmint tea is known to have ant-androgenic and useful to suppress the hormones of the hair growth. Studies conducted by Phytotherapy Institution (a therapy use the natural ingredients, especially plants) involving 21 hirsutism women. When menstruation, They were asked to consume two cups of herbal tea a day for five days. The herbal tea is made from one teaspoon of dried spearmint (5 grams) with a cup of boiling water (250ml) and wait for 5-10 minutes. After 5 days, the level of women's testosterone is reduced, while the sexual hormone such as progesterone and estrogen increase. Khurhseed Navder, a professor of nutrition and food science from Hunter College, New York suggested that "mustache" women have to drink spearmint herbal tea regularly.

The other ways using the spearmint by applying the tea directly to the hair area. Dip the cotton on the spearmint tea then rub on the hair area.

Besides using for diet, lemon can be used to remove the hair. By using the following ingredients:

  • Lemon
  • A cup of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of honey.
Mix all the ingredients and heat on the pan. Stir occasionally until boiling. You can also heat them in a microwave. Chill for a while. If it is warm, apply the mixture thinly and evenly on the hair area. Make sure your skin is washed with soap and dried.

Furthermore, wear non-stretch cotton fabric strip over the part that have been given the mixture. You can also wear a cloth rag. Rub your hand over the fabric in the direction of hair growth is about three times. Then, pull the skin taut in the opposite direction of hair growth. 

The alternative way by using the corn which have been mashed. Below are the ingredients.

  • 200 grams Cornflour
  • 200 grams sugar
  • 3 egg white.
Mix is about 4 spoons of cornflour and egg white. Stir well. Then, add 4 spoons of sugar into the mixture. Stir well. After that, apply the mixture to the hair area. Wait until the mixture dried. After dried, wash your body by using water. Do it again if it is not maximized. 

Let's try^^

Resource: kompas, nizmaarmila, berita-ane.
Picture taken from iklandenpasar, buzzle, lemonadediet, doddywir.blogspot

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