Monday, April 30, 2012

Overcome Vaginal Discharge

Whitish or vaginal discharge excessively and often lead to complaints is the familiar condition for most women. Research conducted in United State said that three of four women have experienced vaginal discharge. So, vaginal discharge is a common for women. Almost all women experience vaginal discharge, adult, adolescents, pregnant women, menopause women, and even in newborns. There are several types of vaginal discharges that is included in the physiology or pathology. In essence, pathology vaginal discharge has greater risk. Below are the cause of pathology vaginal discharge:

  1. Parasite Trichomonas Vaginalis. This type of the parasite is the cause of vaginal discharge whose characteristics are yellow or greenish liquid, very thick, rancid, and bubbly. The cause of the vaginal discharge is usually transmitted through sexual contact, parasite contaminated toilet lip, or the use of toiletries together.
  2. Candidas or Monila Fungus. This is the cause of vaginal discharge whose characteristics are thick, colored like the milk, the smell is rather sharp, and can cause itching in the vagina. Pregnant women, the non-fit birth control users, and diabetics are the people who usually experience this kind of vaginal discharge. It also causes redness and inflamed vagina so it feels very itchy.
  3. Bacteria Gardnella. It cause the vaginal discharge whose characteristics are colored lead-gray, fishy smell, foaming, and also watery. It also can causes intense itching in the vagina so give a sense of discomfort.
  4. Virus. Virus that can cause vaginal discharges such as HIV, AIDS, herpes, and condyloma. In general, the viruses is also the trigger of venereal disease. Condyloma can cause watery and smelled warts around the vagina. While herpes can cause itching and heat. The virus can be transmitted trough sexual contact, which lead to the growth of blister around the vagina. Further, it can causes cervical cancer if not given serious handling.
  5. Bacterium Treponema Pallidum. It is a bacterial syphilis sexually transmitted disease. Besides the vaginal discharge, these bacteria also cause a lot of warts around the vagina and female genital lips.
  6. Antibiotics. According dr. Stephen form Bayer Health Care, vaginal discharge can also be caused by the irrational use of antibiotics. Taking antibiotics too often can cause the bacterial populations in vaginal area can come to die. Further, he explained, Doderlein Lactobacillus Bacteria are normally live on the vagina to produce lactic acid so that the fungus cannot live. Because of the excess of antibiotics, the bacteria die implies the fungus thrives. 
If you experience the vaginal discharge, of course, you feel uncomfortable, and need some ways to overcome it. Of course, the vaginal discharge is the disease that must be handled immediately before it became worse and threaten your health. Here are some ways to overcome vaginal discharge.
  1. Visit your specialist doctor (gynecologist) and consult the complaint of vaginal discharge. make sure the doctor has a special tool that can check your overall conditions. By knowing the exact cause of vaginal discharge, the doctor will have the most effective ways to overcome it.
  2. Keep your sex organ well by changing your underwear regularly at least twice a day. If you feel your underwear is wet or dirty, you should replace it with a clean underwear so that the bacteria, fungi, or virus in the underwear does not infect the vagina.
  3. Wash the vagina with a special cleaning. By washing the vagina with anti-septic will hinder the entry of bacteria and germ into the vagina which is the main cause of vaginal discharge.
  4. When you get menstruation, you must diligently replace the pads. Do not use the pad until full because it will trigger the growth of bacteria that can infect the vagina. 
  5. If you have the serious problem of vaginal discharge, of course, the handling is more serious, such as injecting sitostatika, penicillin, vaccinations, tetracycline, etc.
  6. Overcoming the vaginal discharge can also be done by surgery. This surgery is intended to remove a small portion of of cervical tissue infected by bacteria, virus, or fungi caused the vaginal discharge.
  7. Use a safety net when having sex. If you are planning a pregnancy, clean the vagina properly after intercourse. Or, it is better if you consult your gynecologist about what vaginal cleansing that you can use to overcome the vaginal discharge so that you are not wrong in choosing.
  8. Consume the traditional herb. You can drink the water boiled of betel leaves 1-3 times a week.
Good luck.

Resource: kompas, dunia-ibu.
Picture taken from djamilah-najmuddin, taboidnova. 

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