Monday, April 30, 2012

Overcome Vaginal Discharge

Whitish or vaginal discharge excessively and often lead to complaints is the familiar condition for most women. Research conducted in United State said that three of four women have experienced vaginal discharge. So, vaginal discharge is a common for women. Almost all women experience vaginal discharge, adult, adolescents, pregnant women, menopause women, and even in newborns. There are several types of vaginal discharges that is included in the physiology or pathology. In essence, pathology vaginal discharge has greater risk. Below are the cause of pathology vaginal discharge:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Smooth Skin without Hair

When growing up, hair also grow on some parts of the body, especially, on the pubic, armpit, foot, and face.For women, it can cause uncomfortable. The high of androgen hormone (masculine hormone) such as testosterone, often causes women has many hair like men. It is called hirsutism.

Then, how to remove the hair on those areas?

We knew some ways to remove the hair such as waxing, sugaring, depilatories, laser, etc. However, shaving is the cheapest ways than others. Unfortunately, the more often shaved the hair, the more dense it's growth. And, in this moment, I share how to remove the hair by using natural ingredients. Let's see...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Cope with Hair-loss

Hair is like a crown for everyone, especially for women. But, hair-loss is a hair problem are often experienced. For men, they often have a problem about baldness. For women, they often experience hair-loss continuously. 

Naturally, hair growth has three phases, such as the growth phase (anagen), the resting phase (kantagen), and the loss phase (telogen). Hair-loss is a natural cycle for the hair growth. Normally, the hair loss will have 100 strands per day. If the hair-loss is more than that, you should be wary.

Hair-loss can be caused by:

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