Thursday, May 24, 2012

Benefits of Sex

As human, we are a bit of creature that makes SEX not only for reproductive purpose. Sexual intercourse did in fact have a remarkable effect to maintain the health. As already stated in previous post (Also read Sex Makes Young Article), apparently, sex can makes women's skin become younger. 

That is what many health experts unearthed, one of whom is Dr. Carole Liberman that shows some of benefit of sex for the health, such as:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sex Makes Young

The expensive cosmetics and treatments at salon are not enough to get healthy skin, radiant, and toned. There are other things that are not less important, namely SEX and how we control the emotions

An expert cosmetic, Marguerite Maury, in her book The Secret of Life and Youth, said the women's sexual life is the most important thing for her performance. According to her, men will experience premature aging if too frequent sexual intercourse, reversely, women's skin could quickly wrinkles if rarely have sex.

Friday, May 11, 2012

10 Foods that Cause Body Odor and Bad Breath

Body Odor and Bad Breath are the problems which often reduce the confidence. Many things can affect the onset of body odor and bad breath such as diet, gender, occupation, mood, genetics, and medicine.

Deodorant may be effective enough to cover the odor of the body, but most experts think too often the use of deodorant can be a bad influence. Change dietary pattern seems to be an alternative to reduce bad body odor.

The following are the foods you should limit to prevent body odor and bad breath:

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