Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A milk for Beauty

Not only nourish the body, the natural materials on a milk can "upgrade" your skin become more beautiful and charming.

If you have a sensitive skin, easily getting an allergic when exposed dust, sunlight, or pollution, until you got injury skin, you can use a milk as alternative solution. Only rub a milk on your skin, the substances of the milk can minimize the irritation on your skin.

A milk can help in flaking dead skin cells and changing into new skin cells. You can try
the following treatment.

  1. Mix the non-fat milk powder and salt on the warm water.
  2. Rub to your skin and do some massages.
  3. Add a face cleanser shop to get the better effect.
For you who like going to spa, you can do it at home. The way is use the milk powder on the warm water at your bath up. Take a bath during 10 minutes. Your skin gets more nutrition and feels more soft.

Translated from Modis Tabloid Mode Islami
Picture taken from google

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