Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sexy But It Hurts. That's a Tight Cloth

"I'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt
So sexy it hurts."

Yeah, I think these lyrics are true.
Fashion today is very dangerous for us. Sexy but it hurts.
Female wants looking beautiful. She wears a high-heeled, a weight over-sized bag, and a tight cloth without knowing the impacts of these products.
Of course, wearing tight clothes makes looking slim but it is not good for the health.
So, consider wearing them after you read this one.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

About Wedges

Wedges??? Who didn't know about the thing? Of course, fashionable women are familiar with them.
Wedges is a high-heeled shoes whose the part between the back of the heel and front sol are connected become an unit. The sol on the wedges are made from woods or the same materials of the shoes.

Wedges appear in 1936 which is the creation of the designer, Salvatore Ferragamo. He created a footwear with wedges-heeled. Wedges-heeled are desirable because of the comfort. Wedges healed are designed to support the spine with the wider heeled, stable from fingertips to the heel, and are not concentrated to one point on the foot.

Here they are the advantages of wearing wedges.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Eat Chocolates??? Why not...

A few days ago is known as Valentine's Day. Many people in the world celebrate this day by giving presents to their lovers. One of presents which commonly give is chocolates. Hmm...

Did you hear that chocolates make you fat? Or some people said, chocolates make toothless?
These are the facts of chocolates.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Importance of a Night Cream

A night cream is important to your skin face that is helping the process of rejuvenation of skins at night. Night cream is a lotion without sunscreen content and contains of more vitamins such as vitamin A, C, E, natural moisturizer, and the formula of anti-aging.

Texture of a night cream is denser than a day cream.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Beautiful Nails when Go to the Office

There are some offices which are not allowed their employers painting the nails by using flashy colors. If you have this problem, you can apply the soft French manicure.

Before painting the nails, make sure the nails are clean and dry. Clean the kutikula and moist by using the hand and nail lotion. The moisturizers of this type of the lotion are better than on a common lotion. The clean nails make us easy to paint them.

After that, choose the transparent base coat nail polish before applying the colorful one. Base coat can decrease the bad impact of nail polish. One of them is trace of yellowish on your nails. After base coat dried, you can paint the nails by using your favorite nail polish.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A milk for Beauty

Not only nourish the body, the natural materials on a milk can "upgrade" your skin become more beautiful and charming.

If you have a sensitive skin, easily getting an allergic when exposed dust, sunlight, or pollution, until you got injury skin, you can use a milk as alternative solution. Only rub a milk on your skin, the substances of the milk can minimize the irritation on your skin.

A milk can help in flaking dead skin cells and changing into new skin cells. You can try
the following treatment.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Overcome Dark Armpits

It’s very shameful if wearing skirt without arm, and has to raise the hand. We become not confidence with the armpits condition that are not smoothly. Could the whitening formula deodorant overcome this problem?

Armpits surface is darker because it has fold. It often has frictions because the part of it wet quickly. The frictions can cause irritation. Irritation also can caused by shaving or scratching it.

Besides, dr. Tina Wardhani Wisesa, Sp.Kk, husk’s specialist doctor of Miraculous Clinic of Medika, interposes that the disease of husk itchy, like eczema, also causes the change of an armpits’ color.

Now, there are some cosmetic’s producers released a deodorant which can brighten up the armpits’ color. But, we also required paying attention to these products. The wrong chosen deodorant can make husk got more irritations.

So, there are some tips to take care your armpits. You can follow the tips below.
  1. Clean the armpits every day.
  2. If you want to shave the plume in an armpit, you have to know the rule of the game. Shaving the plume will make wider armpits’ husk pore. Thereby, the protection becomes minim, and you are vulnerable to get an irritation. It is better if you shave inch by inch according to the direction mark of the armpits’ line.
  3. Do it at night, so that the armpits’ husk returns normal on next day when you use a deodorant.
  4. Desiring armpits’ husk more covert, use a cream shaving before shave it. Damp the armpits’ husk by using a water to get a good shaving.
  5. Wear a clean cloth and do not too tight.
  6. Reduce the foods that are able to stimulate the excessive sweat production, such as a hot food.
  7. If the armpits have come too far unintentionally dark, or there is problem at the surface of the armpits’ husk seriously, you better visit to the husk’s doctor. The doctor usually gives the special treatments according to the conditions of your armpits.
Translated from kompas.com
Picture taken from google

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