Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Yoghurt Eliminates the Fat

Don’t avoid the products which are made of milks when you do a diet. At least, there is a good product of milks that can eliminate the fat, which is yoghurt. Michael Zemel, Phd, the researcher of Tennessee University has researched the patient of obesity who are doing the low fat diet program.

The people who consume the yoghurt every day during 12 weeks are eliminating the fat about 4.5 kg. Yoghurt not only eliminates the fat so that you lose the weight but also makes a double of the muscle’s weight more effective.

The previous research of Zemel is showed that the calcium of the products of milks can slow up the process of making a fat. Therefore, for the people who are doing the diet program are suggested to consume the products of low fat milks three times every day.

Translated from Modis Tabloid Mode Islami
Picture taken from google

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

One Glass of Milk when Sahur

We usually think that some meal time are missing when fasting such as a breakfast and a lunch. That paradigm make us feel limp especially from a day until the time to breaking the fast.

One of ways to overcome the starve is increasing fiber intake when sahur. Fibers can be gotten from fruits, vegetables, or fiber carbohydrate like oatmeal. Fiber or the complex carbohydrate has the effect of satisfying because it can expands in the stomach.

But, fiber is digested longer than a simple carbohydrate, protein, and fat. It means, fiber will be left on the stomach longer than the other substances. Hence, the stomach feels full longer and glucose levels more maintained. 

To avoid a limp, you can consume a glass of milk when sahur. You can also consume a supplement of vitamin B complex so that your metabolism is well.

It is better if you do sahur 15-30 minutes before imsak. Eat fiber food at the last time before imsak. It is not only save your time but also avoid Subuh is missed.

Translated from Modis Tabloid Mode Islami
Picture taken from Google

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