Friday, September 9, 2011

Fresh Skin when Fasting

Because of deficiency of liquid when fasting, women often complain about desiccated of skin face, shattered lips, and flaked skin in foot. The following tips can be done to overcome the conditions.

  1. Face. The point is you have to know the type of your skin. If you have dried skin, use cleanser that contains moisturizer then use creamy moisturizer
  2. Lips. Lips are part of body that contains less of moisturizer. Licking lips is not the right ways to overcome shattered or dried lips. On the contrary, it will be make lips are drier. Use lip-balm regularly before go to sleep. Another way is use petroleum jelly. After that, by using tooth brush and lip brush move circularly to overcome dried skin. Then, clean the residue of petroleum jelly softly until your lips are not dry.
  3. Body. The more dry your body, the more lotion you need. Use body lotion all over body after take a bath because it is absorber at clammy skin. Avoid take a bath using warm water so that the skin are not dry increasingly.
  4. Hand and foot. Bring your lotion wherever you go. Choose lotion that contains sun screen to protect your skin from UV. Use the lotion after you did some works that use water, like washing. If your skin badly dry, use lotion before go to sleep.

Besides, the tips above, you should do the following things.

  • After take a bath or wash your face, dry the skin by swishing using soft towel not scrubbing it.
  • Use a cleanser that contains less of soap and fragrance.
  • Do not sneak your dry skin because it can make inflammation or infection (Also read Masker for Dry Skin Article). 
  • Use a soft towel substances cotton so that it does not irritate your skin. Avoid wool substances.
  • Consume vegetables, fruits, and water (at least 8 glass per day). When fasting, you can quench at night and Saur.
Translated from Modis Tabloid Mode Islami
Picture taken from


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